Legislative Acts

 The world is concerned about environmental conservation and management; domestic and international legislations have been enacted to control operations in different industries in the efforts of attaining sustainable development agendas. The aviation industry has had its share of controls that have affected its operations negatively and positively. National Air Transport Association applauds the efforts made by environment conservation movements, but it is quick to point out that Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) policies have limited growth in the industry.  

According to the FAA environmental Review is one of several mandatory steps in the FAA Office of Commercial Space Transportation license or permit application process. The environmental review for your application must meet the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (42 United States Code (U.S.C.) § 4321), the Council on Environmental Quality Regulations (40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 1500 to 1508), and FAA Order 1050.1F. (FAA. Environmental)

Negative effects of environmental laws and legislations on aviation industry.

    The legislations generally wish to reduce emission from aircrafts; however, they have not developed the machines and engines that are environmentally friendly, they leave the burden to aviation companies. When a company is planning on its developments, it sets the base on the available base of operation; however, the same operation level is challenged by environmental conservation movements. The industry thus lacks a constant source of income necessary for development.

To be compliant, some machinery and aircrafts have been regarded useless since they cannot life to the standards of the legislations; this is an additional cost of disposal to the industry. In some companies, they have received negative publicity from the conservation groups as they advocate for efficiency and environmental conservation, this has directly affected such businesses.

Positive side of environmental laws and legislations to the aviation industry

As aviation, industry tries to cope with the set laws and legislations; there has been an increased innovation of environmentally friendly equipment and machinery. The machinery that has been developed includes those, which are fuel-efficient, and those that emit minimal noise. The fuel-efficient machinery has reduced operating cost of doing business in the industry. Although the equipment is slightly expensive, in the end they will be of great benefit to the company. The continued innovation is a cost management policy in the industry.

reference: FAA.gov. Environmental. Environmental (faa.gov)


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